

Ticker YEUF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Yokopelo
Members 14
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98355409

Members [14]



The story begins a long time ago, in 2014, when Concord began a massive hunting aiming at all consumers of drugs through The Universe. Beyond the nothingness, the citizens were forced to leave their roots to find a sure place to hide.
But a group of brave pilots decided to lead a mission to face this threat : the Ultimate Acid was born.
Taking root in wormholes, far from the sovereign power of the Empire, Ultimate Acid Inc assured year by year a massive production to help all the addicts through the systems. Nobody would ever suffer from lack, freedom for all.

We Are ULTIMATE ACID experience.

Co-CEO : Granny Pornstar

For recruitement, please contact P7PERPL7NE.

Join us one cosmic networks:

When you take a look back to the old time, you can notice than drug took a huge place in society. Everyone was one day linked to it. It happened guerillas and terrible blood rampages just because of the demand in drug during these dark years.
Now the demand is null and the supply is null too, there is no more drug wars...
So as we don\'t give a shit about life since we have clones we think people deserve to take drugs again and enjoy colors and mushrooms.
Today in our peacefull habitation neighbourhoud, because of the laws, most of the people don\'t know about drugs and their effects. So we have to inform them, the same way mormarr guys do with their religion.

Here\'s a typical ~\xb0\xa7 drug amateur kit \xa7\xb0~ we give freely after ringing to a doorbelt :
Two books :
- All you need to know about the drug benefices (Pougnette King)
- A fast way to get rid of you dead clones (Saint Bloodbiobio)
5 kinds of drugs trial bag :
- Blue Pill (only for old guys or Justin Bieber)
- Crash plz max 2x a day if your pregnant
- X-Instinct tip : mix them in an M&M bag and share it with your friends!!!
- Mindflood Heavy effect. Be sure you always have a spare clone before taking that one.
- Vitoc Do never take that if there is an amarr guy next to you...

Alway remember : DRUG IS GOOD except when you LACK OF IT!!!'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-06-01 20:29:35
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